Meet Your Future Editor
As a writer myself, I have a distinct appreciation for the efforts, time, and emotional upheaval writing requires. Sometimes you love your project with the intensity of a thousand burning suns; other times you want to throw your computer from the Empire State Building and never look at your words again. I completely understand.
The day eventually comes when you have read, re-read, and re-re-read your manuscript so frequently that you no longer even see the words on the screen (or page). When you’ve reached that point, you’re ready to call in some outside help, fresh eyes that can see the big picture, the small picture, and everything in between. Have you somehow missed a word, overused a word, or even used the wrong word? Did you gloss over critical details that readers need? Does the story hold together and flow as well for others as it does in your mind? These are all areas in which I can help. As an editor, I’m not just a nefarious brandisher of a red pen; I consider myself your partner and cheerleader. I want your every manuscript to be the best you’ve ever written, and I want you to succeed in reaching your publishing goals, whether they are modest or magnificent.
With over ten years of experience writing and editing everything from novels and short stories to grant and research materials to corporate and private content and blogs, I am familiar and proficient with many genres and the most commonly known punctuation and style guides (i.e., Chicago Manual of Style, American Psychological Association, Associated Press, etc.), and have worked with several bestselling independent and traditionally published authors. I am a current or former member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and Publishers Marketplace. You can also learn about me at LinkedIn.
If you’d like to read what some of my clients have said about working with me, please visit this page → Testimonials.
For more about the editing options I offer, click below.
Guest Appearances
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing Podcast
The Martin Lastrapes Show Podcast Hour 2015 and 2022
In Discussion with Science Fiction Authors G.S. Jennsen and E.J. Fisch
International Comic-Con 2023 – Welcome to the Weird West
Ready to start a book together? Great! I am too.
Please contact me with any questions or to inquire about working together. For more information about the details of editing and payment process, please visit → Details & Estimates.